


Subj: From Harry Welty again 
Date: 11/29/2002 3:14:58 PM Central Standard Time
From: A1Snowman

To those concerned about saving Duluth's elementary schools

Sending letters to the School Board is all well and good but in my opinion only community pressure will change some Board members minds. Therefore you must encourage everyone you know to write letters to the Duluth News Tribune at: letters@duluthnews.com,
or the Duluth Budgeteer at:

Its important to send different letters to each publication because they will not willingly run the same one.

I believe three school board members might change their mind. Bob Mars who has no particular preference whether we close buildings at the elementary or the secondary level.

or Laura Condon who doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

or Mike Akervik who is up for reelection next year.

Dorothy Neumann and Laura Condon are very loyal to Eileen Zeitz Hudelson who is helping them fight off anything other than the K-5, 6-8, 9-12 configuration. They meet often. Their loyalties were established back when they were all first elected in 1997. At present Dorothy and Laura's loyalty to Eileen has overridden their sympathy for the Chester Park or Grant communities. I do not believe either of them plans to run for reelection so they will not be moved by political threats.

Eileen spelled out her and their point of view shortly after she was defeated in her reelection bid in 2000. She complained that she was tired of hearing parents threaten to take their children out of the Duluth School District. Her Op Ed piece from January of 2001 is the blueprint which Dorothy and Laura are currently following in their attempt to close elementary schools. You can read it at my website along with my critique of her arguments at this link: 


My long time ally Mary Glass LeBlanc does not care for Eileen but she is a strong supporter of 6-8 middle schools. I do not think she will change her mind.

Bob Nygaard, Mary Cameron, Garry Krause and I are the current minority who want to save the elementary schools. We need one more vote and we need it in the next month.

You can have a preview of my upcoming Op Ed piece which will be published in the next Saturday's Budgeteer by going to this second link to my website:


Saving the elementary schools is now up to you.

Feel free to share this email with anyone you know who cares about the elementary schools.

Harry Welty