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My website
has been recognized by the Web's Political
Site of the Day. (My day was Nov. 14, 1999) I have joined
a select circle of political, web, luminaries including Presidential candidates and all
manner of eco fanatics, militant nudists, trial lawyers, etc. I'm delighted.
Click the link to visit their site and check out the exalted
Ripsaw, Duluth's funky, and youthfully jaded tabloid gave my site the "2001
Most Unique
Artist Website Voter's Choice Award" for my Mother's
For 2003 - My second Sawyer Award

Best Political Suicide that No One Noticed
Harry Welty comes clean about his past | June 13 Reader Weekly

School Board member Harry Welty decided to come clean about his
past last summer, just four months before taking on State
Representative Tom Huntley in the district 7A race. In
his column in the Reader Weekly, Welty made several innocuous
admonitions, starting with his early childhood and how he used to
“pee outside by the garage rather than go inside to the
bathroom.” Then, he made things a little more interesting by
writing that he “smoked marijuana in college.” The highlight
of the column, however, is Welty’s confession that he covered
for some friends of his in college after they “took advantage of
a mentally challenged, but willing, young girl.” Welty was
handily defeated in the election, but scandal had nothing to do
with it. No one seemed to notice or care about Welty’s past
transgressions. Perhaps if they did, he could have won.