Not Eudora
God to the Rescue If God saw people suffering in Hell he’d go there and rescue them. When I was a kid this was my Congregational minister’s
heretical theology. The current crisis over Our subsequent wars have not enjoyed the same moral clarity as our mission against the original Axis powers. Though we really didn’t want to be there Still, no one much remembers the Korean “Conflict”
today with any fondness except for people who got hooked on the television
series MASH. But MASH, of course, was not about We didn’t win in And now we have Iraq II. Just as it was with the
anti-Vietnam War movement the opposition to our policies in The peaceful motivation of this anti-war Mardi Gras was thoroughly camouflaged by its flip off the establishment mentality. As with the Anti-Vietnam protests of an earlier generation it was guaranteed to incite more opposition to the anti-war movement than to the war. Even a half witted conservative could quickly point out that a similar Baghdad protester would have had his tongue cut out for expressing any dissatisfaction with Saddam. Once on the verge of modern, western, secular, middle
class, prosperity Saddam isn’t your ordinary, garden variety dictator. For years he has apparently modeled himself after Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. To toughen his two sons and potential successors he took them on field trips to Daddy’s torture chambers. Watching their father’s enemies writhe in agony has turned them both into certifiable sociopaths, if not quite psychopaths. Hitler flooded the Berlin
subways in order to slow by a few hours the Russian advance on his bunker. The
people of Iraq
are of no more consequence to Saddam than the Germans hiding in the subways
were to Hitler. I have little doubt that Saddam would put his own ego ahead of
the lives of his people if he could gain some advantage from the use of nuclear,
chemical or biological weaponry. He
has made As a youngster growing up in the shadow of the Holocaust I
was inspired by the Jewish declaration, “never forget.” In my naivety I
thought the horrors of the death camps would never again be repeated. Instead
such horrors have been shockingly commonplace in my adult life. Though not
surpassed in scope they have been succeeded by killing fields in Cambodia, There are a lot of lousy reasons for America to press an invasion of Iraq like, for instance, our addiction to cheap oil. There are also compelling reasons not to invade I want the United Nations to sanction our activities in On the other hand I can’t help but think that if God saw people suffering in Hell he would go there and rescue them. Welty is a small time politician who lets it all hang out at www.snowbizz.com Points to ponder on engaging in Gulf War II |