Not Eudora Again - after a five
(not eight) year hiatus - but who's counting?
By Harry Welty
Columns published in Duluth's own
Harry gladly shares more of his dyspepsia at:
Color Commentary, published July 11,
2015 -
Robin Washington of the
Duluth News Tribune called me in February to ask me about my latest snow
sculpture. An angry black motorist who had cruised past my house had just
called him up at the Trib to ask about it. The driver suspected the elephant
waving a confederate flag was intended as a dig...
the rest
...illions, published July 18, 2015 -
I recently toured the Homestake Gold
Mine in the Black Hills . “Home of the Diggers”reads the Lead Deadwood High
School’s welcome sign.
mine’s prodigious earnings helped launch the Spanish American War when George
Hearst’s son and heir, William Randolph, bought up a slew of newspapers, and
boosted circulation by demanding that America aid Cuban rebels who were fighting
their Spanish oppressors. That led to the once sickly Teddy Roosevelt, turned
cowboy, turned politician, raising up his famous Rough Riders and
charging up San Juan Hill to within a heartbeat of the Presidency, then the
stilled heartbeat, the building of the Panama Canal, a Nobel Peace Prize and a
place among our American titans on Mount Rushmore.
read the rest
The Democracy of
Published Aug, 2, 2013
As I was mowing my lawn, which
had grown shaggy during a vacation to the Black Hills, I heard the horn blasts
that herald the Mexican anthem La Cucaracha ta da da daaaa daaaa - ta
da da daaaa daaaa!
“How passé,” I thought to myself as...
read the rest
Lady of Duluth, Published Aug, 16, 2013
Recent events have
prompted me reconsider a Not Eudora column I wrote back on May 27, 2004. The
part I have in mind concerned, Laura Ness, our Mayor’s wife. One week into their
new marriage Laura Ness filed as a candidate for the St. Louis County Board. I
took some umbrage to this .
read the rest.
The Devil’s Friend,
To be published Aug. 30, 2013
Reason’s syphilitic step-uncle was
busy. Rationalization had been summoned once again by his master to enter the
ears of weak-minded men.
The first was a youth who listened
intently to Rationalization’s slippery thinking:...
Not yet published