This book on Hitler really intrigued me. Its contention that Adolph was gay reminded me of whispers I’d heard
over the years. After World War II Germans did not shrink for accepting
responsibility for the holocaust but felt too shamed to go mucking about in an
examination of the dirty past. That veil of shame is beginning to
lift and some folks are willing, even eager, to explore aspects of the Hitler
years with some real intellectual curiosity. The book has convinced me. Adolph was a poor boy in
desperate circumstances who had a penchant for being a big mouth know-it-all.
Before the "Great War" he circulated in all male circles with many
fellows who took an aggressive pro homoerotic stance about the world. Its most
interesting suggestion is that gay prostitution helped Hitler get by. Although a shallow and mediocre thinker he was cunning and
used his circles of gay buddies to make a name for himself in politics in the desperate post
war years. Its been common knowledge for years that the Nazi storm
troopers headed by Ernst Rohm were a hotbed of homosexuals. That was one of the
reasons Hitler gave for crushing them in 1934 when Rohm began challenging him
for influence. At the time Hitler’s control of Germany was
precarious and he was growing in international stature. Although pleased to let
his henchmen promote homoeroticism in the Twenties he thought better of it when
potential blackmailers threatened to blacken his name internationally in the
Thirties. Killing off gay acquaintances was an effective way to shut
up other loose lips. Before getting too far into the book I checked out the web
to see what comments the book had elicited. The book has not met with universal
praise. Much of the author's evidence is second hand and circumstantial. Still, I
was amazed at the number of people whose veiled and not so veiled comments about
Hitler’s sexuality existed in both pre and post war years. I find
credible the author's contention that disgraced Germans of the 1950’s had
little reason to admit having fallen under the sway not only of a murderous
loser but a perverted one at that. This is still a sticky subject today. Although homosexuality is beginning to lose its stigma as a
perversion in much of the
western world the
holocaust is just as perverted as ever. Gay’s who have labored for
centuries under a cloud can’t welcome the notion that the world’s most
notorious mass murderer was gay and the terrible suggestion that somehow
homosexuality lay behind the crimes of the
holocaust. I’ve seen the pink triangles at the Holocaust Museum
which homosexuals were forced to wear at the concentration camps. How ironic
that Hitler would have so persecuted his own in order to throw people off the
scent of his own sexuality. If there is an indictment to be made it should be directed
at the unforgiving and inquisitorial treatment of homosexuals by
"Christians." Forced so far into the closet gays have repeatedly had to
create subterranean means to stay in touch. In Germany, after World War I, this
led to fascist gay fraternities. By trading on grievances that all Germans could
agree on these homoerotic idealists created a political party which eclipsed
their gay
movement and then turned on it. Hitler in his forties was seduced by the charms
of absolute power over those of sexual liberation. Some of the best sources on the sexual milieu that Hitler
reveled in before he became der Fuhrer were the very people who
longed for gay respectability. They watched in horror as Hitler, a sort of gay messiah, turned on his own
annihilating his old friends. Such hypocrisy was abhorrent
to the fearful survivors who had to take care lest the Gestapo hunted
them down and shut them up too. The most famous homosexual of his era, Oscar Wilde, referred to his
orientation as “the love which dares not speak its name." He must have resented
the opprobrium attached to his being gay and took
delight in exposing the hypocrisy of others wherever he found it. Eventually he did
speak it and was thrown in jail for his candor. |