A "progressive" beats the hell out of Laura Ness after her reply to my
column. From the June 17th Reader.
I am writing in reply to Laura Ness' letter in your June 10 issue.
What Laura Ness has to understand is that it's not just conservatives like Harry Welty who are opposed to her candidacy, but progressives too. And it's not because she's a woman.
It is primarily because of her husband.
Laura claims that it was her and Donny's progressive values that brought them together. The thing is, Russ Stewart is the true progressive on the City Council, not Donny Ness. If endangering Spirit Mountain is progressive, then I guess Donny Ness is progressive. If voting for McQuade is progressive, then I guess Donny Ness is progressive. If keeping Nancy Nelson off the City Council is progressive, then I guess Donny Ness is progressive. If voting to keep the Ten Commandments monument on city property is progressive, then I guess Donny Ness is progressive.
And if these are the progressive values that Laura shares with Donny, then I guess I will have to stand opposed to Laura's candidacy. The last thing the progressive community needs is another Ness in progressive's clothing, voting like a moderate Republican.
And if Harry Welty is right and Donny Ness has his eyes on a future run for Congress, then the progressive community should be alarmed. I suggest one way to send a message about our displeasure would be to question Donny and Laura's shared "progressive" values.
I dislike coming out against fellow lefties. But Donny has greatly disappointed so many of us. Laura does herself no favors by trumpeting the values she shares with the weasel that kept Nancy Nelson off the City Council.
Jim Richardson