Snowbizz Statistics
Even before I first got on the Internet I began
imagining having a web page to make my thinking on public issues
available to the public. Shortly after seeing the ease with which links
allowed for instant footnoting and indexing I knew approximately what I would
put in my page. The only hurdle was learning HTML language. Well, technology raced
past me and I didn't have to learn HTML. Thank goodness!
The quality I wanted to achieve early on has now
been given a name, "stickiness." This is the measure of the amount of
time visitors spend looking at a web page. Judging by my web's statistics I am achieving
this - See the bottom of this page. While many
people probably blunder into my site after using search engines my real target
are people who are interested in my public record.
I've been keeping track of my page since its
inception in May of 1999. The following graph shows the monthly hits to my home
page only.
Month |
My hits |
Other's hits |
Total hits |
Events attracting attention |
May 1999 |
51 |
50 |
101 |
My hits represent me checking
out changes to my website |
June 1999 |
34 |
43 |
77 |
July 1999 |
16 |
75 |
91 |
Aug 1999 |
36 |
51 |
87 |
Sept 1999 |
3 |
34 |
37 |
Oct 1999 |
5 |
32 |
37 |
Nov 1999 |
19 |
155 |
174 |
My reelection campaign
gets some belated notice |
Dec 1999 |
9 |
78 |
96 |
Jan 2000 |
27 |
117 |
144 |
Feb 2000 |
25 |
116 |
141 |
Mar 2000 |
34 |
193 |
227 |
Apr 2000 |
27 |
71 |
98 |
May 2000 |
12 |
55 |
67 |
June 2000 |
28 |
74 |
102 |
July 2000 |
27 |
64 |
91 |
Aug 2000 |
16 |
111 |
127 |
Sept 2000 |
14 |
145 |
159 |
Oct 2000 |
30 |
351 |
381 |
My quirky Senate campaign
gets some notice |
Nov 2000 |
8 |
105 |
113 |
Dec 2000 |
4 |
92 |
96 |
Jan 2001 |
5 |
191 |
196 |
Feb 2001 |
5 |
127 |
132 |
Mar 2001 |
41 |
654 |
695 |
Parents discover our plan
to close elementary schools |
Apr 2001 |
28 |
181 |
208 |
May 2001 |
12 |
105 |
117 |
June 2001 |
30 |
116 |
146 |
July 2001 |
22 |
143 |
165 |
Aug2001 |
23 |
126 |
149 |
Sept 2001 |
47 |
110 |
157 |
Oct 2001 |
19 |
214 |
233 |
last full month of the Cameron Campaign |
Nov 2001 |
21 |
201 |
222 |
Dec 2001 |
14 |
157 |
171 |
Jan 202 |
11 |
297 |
308 |
I cleaned up and eliminated many duplicate pages
reducing the
number of locations people could find on the web |
Feb 2002 |
21 |
275 |
296 |
Mar 2002 |
27 |
247 |
274 |
I continued eliminating duplicate pages and the site
unavailable for about a week |
Apr 2002 |
17 |
216 |
233 |
May |
16 |
214 |
230 |
June 2002 |
18 |
135 |
153 |
July 2002 |
13 |
115 |
128 |
Aug 2002 |
16 |
139 |
155 |
Sept 2002 |
12 |
194 |
206 |
Oct 2002 |
12 |
261 |
273 |
Nov 2002 |
12 |
272 |
284 |
Dec 2002 |
25 |
222 |
247 |
Jan 2003 |
31 |
287 |
318 |
Feb 2003 |
24 |
240 |
264 |
Monthly Report taken from the
website's statistics
Each unit ( ) represents
300 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: #reqs: pages:
--------: -----: -----:
Apr 2000: 2554:
May 2000: 4331:
Jun 2000: 7133: 2450:  
Jul 2000: 9110: 5094:  
Aug 2000: 10107: 5737:  
Sep 2000: 9696: 4126:   
Oct 2000: 14183: 6688:    
Nov 2000: 8465: 4232:    
Dec 2000: 8945: 4739: 
Jan 2001: 13502: 3655:   
Feb 2001: 13302: 5730:  
Mar 2001: 30211: 10706:  
Apr 2001: 15696: 7614:   
May 2001: 12299: 7458:   
Jun 2001: 12640: 7500:  
Jul 2001: 14116: 8804:   
Each unit ( ) represents 600
requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: #reqs: pages:
--------: -----: -----:
Aug 2001: 18759: 12281:  
Sep 2001: 22620: 16934:   
Oct 2001: 33224: 22241:  
Nov 2001: 27736: 19197:
Dec 2001: 29027: 20899:  
Jan 2002: 32743: 14240: 
Feb 2002: 29949: 15034:  
In the Month of March I shut down and reopened my site to eliminate
duplicate pages which I had inadvertently uploaded over the last year.
This probably accounts for the reduced visits to my site.
Each unit ( ) represents 400
requests for pages, or part thereof. month: #reqs: pages:
--------: -----: -----:
Mar 2002: 26413: 9227: 
Apr 2002: 26964: 11048:  
May 2002: 28421: 15779: 
Jun 2002: 15873: 7885: 
Jul 2002: 18639: 10174:  
Aug 2002: 31309: 15888: 
Sep 2002: 33974: 12126:    
Oct 2002: 38374: 13733:  
Nov 2002: 31613: 13546: 
Dec 2002: 33395: 14104: 
Busiest month: Oct 2001 (22,241 requests for pages).A request is counted each time a computer asks for a file from
a particular website. A single page might have twenty or more files imbedded on
it so that asking for a
single page would be counted as twenty requests. The statistic I pay attention
to for usage
of my site is requests for individual pages. For instance, while I only counted 117 requests for
my "home page" for May 2001 that same month there were a total of 7458 requests for pages
on my entire site. I probably have over 1,500 pages on my site so it appears
that a relative few visitors looked at many pages on my site when they visited.
Now that's stickiness!