Donald C. Boyd Scandal of 1977
a book about an old scandal being written online by
Harry Welty
and anyone else who'd like to lend a hand.

What's the book about?
It's about one of the biggest political scandals in
Minnesota History and how it was hushed up. More particularly it focuses on one of the few people the
scandal ruined, a man who was, I suspect, wrongly accused, prosecuted, and
The trial took five days! Had his life not been turned upside down he might
today be a very wealthy man instead of one who jokes
that his haircuts are given to him as charity. As the book takes shape I'll
remain open to different interpretations, for instance, that everything I've
just written is poppycock. For now, however, I'm working under the assumption
that where there's smoke there's fire.
What prompted this project?
November I wrote a column about the scandalous 1974 election that got Jim
Oberstar elected to Congress and mentioned the man I've just described as the
villain. A short time later the "villain" sent me an email. He'd
written a 700 page book. It needs a little work.
This is how I'm going to write
this online.
I'll compose rough drafts of chapters
and post them here. At first they may not be much more
than tidbits that I find intriguing. Anyone wishing to add their two cents, pro or con, as the
book takes shape is welcome to email me with suggestions, criticisms
etc. People who want to unburden themselves about
what happened a quarter century ago will be most welcome to get in touch with
me. The Statute of limitations is past for Federal Law but not for people's
Chapters will not be
written in chronological
order or uploaded to this site in their completed form.
Already I have renamed some as I study and research this story. Every time I
make an addition to this site I will highlight the change in blue script as
I've done with this passage. Even now I've only read a quarter of Don Boyd's
original 700 page manuscript. I've also been reading other published accounts
of this political era that are helping me put this story in the context of its
time. There are also a great many news clippings for me to wade through. The
best resource I have is Don himself who has already spent considerable time
with me and who will no doubt spend much more providing he can survive my
constant pestering. He has, he says, been threatened before not to tell the
story but that was a long time ago when the surviving participants had
connections with the kind of people who would be willing to do just about
anything to protect their reputations. They've known about his manuscript for
decades but probably breathed a sigh of relief 20 years ago when the
Duluth News Tribune wrote about it in a four part series and concluded that it
was "disjointed" drivel from an "ex con." It certainly is
but I intend to rectify their appraisal.
I hope to finish the book sometime by
the fall
of 2006 but I've recently decided that its too important a story to rush so if
it takes longer I'll take the time. I hope the poor story I write will be
sufficiently intriguing to entice a real scholar to dive into the records.
Someone untainted by my political background and ambition should write this
Table of Contents (so far)
Minnesota Politics in the 1960's
added 6/1/06
Wishman's Sporting Goods
Before the Fall
recent edit:
Once I built a Railroad
Ask not what your nation can do for you
"You're not supposed to make money"
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission
Mother's Milk Tom Kelm and Company
Universal Fiberglass 6/6/06 tidbit
added 6/7/06
1967 American Allied Insurance Company of St. Paul
1973 Polar Panel Co 6/7/06
1977 Molded
Wood Palette
Things Fall Apart
The Tears of Judas nothing
Keystone Accountants the FBI Not much
Once I built a Rail Road
Swift and speedy justice
Boxes most
recent edit: 6/16/06
NEW Kangaroo
Court 6/16/06
Grand Jury
I hope you live long enough to write the book
Clearing his name
recent edit: 6/18/06
Who will write my book
Diamonds are forever
Gone but not forgotten
Kelm and Carlson 5-30-06
And if you're getting lost here are some helpful reference pages
Gallery - a who's who of important characters in this story
especially of acronyms
catalogued Newspaper stories 6/13/06
Boyd stuff that I've put on my blog